Friday, December 29, 2006

I can't believe this...Noah's flood created the grand canyon

Just saw this post on is incredibly unbelievable

Grand Canyon Created by Noah's Flood

Grand Canyon Skywalk Nearing Completion

Imagine stacking the Taipei 101 building (current tallest building in the world) on top of the Sears Tower, going to the top and looking straight down.... Amazingly, the Grand Canyon is 4000 feet deep at parts and they are currently constructing a glass walkway that cantilevers out over the cliff. Since it is made of glass, visitors will have to wear protective booties when walking on it as to not scratch the surface. While neat, this exemplifies the difference between America's overprotective, insurance fearing society and our friends down under. If this thing was in New Zealand, they would be bungee jumping off the sucker.

And it won't fall down anytime soon

Venture Capital Discussion/Interviews on Web 2.0

To Bubble or not to Bubble? That is the question that many journalists are yapping about lately. I am on the side that yes we have been in a good place as far as web startups are concerned, with great innovations happening at a rapid pace, the rise of social networking sites, etc. There will inevitably be a slowing down of new businesses as the market matures. Here are a couple of articles that I have found as of late that provide some good commentary:

Is 'Web 2.0' Another Bubble?

An interview with investor Paul Graham of Y Combinator

Monday, December 18, 2006

David Pogue on Windows Vista

David Pogue of NY Times tech fame has posted a great video on Windows Vista.

nuff said:

David Pogue on Windows Vista(NY Times, no registration required)

digg keeps on rollin' - cool feature

digg rolled out some new features today, of which many are already covered throughout the blogosphere. When I finally got around to exploring today, I was impressed with the effect for the videos section shown below. It reminds me of a recent article on css dashboard effects for a more application like feel for your web applications. Check it out..digg is my hero!(Can a web site be your hero?)

digg videos
css dashboard like effect

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Unboxing videos the new kings of content

All the technolust in America and around the globe has begun to go mainstream as unboxing videos are enjoying unhealthy amounts of traffic.

Emily Steel comments on unboxing sites/videos
Gizmodo posting - "WSJ Still Hung up on Unboxing"

Is it just meet or is Emily Steel cute in a dorky kind of way?

Monday, December 4, 2006

Top 10 Viewed YouTube Videos

From, the 10 most viewed videos on YouTube!! I am glad someone has time to compose good postings, and someday I hope to as well, but for now, a link to mindless entertainment will have to do!

Top 10 Viewed YouTube Videos

Friday, December 1, 2006

8 Things Women Suck at in Bed

yes, finally someone has attempted to put the ball(no pun intended) in the women's court by saying what they can do to improve.

8 Things Women Suck at In Bed

AllofMP3: We're not going anywhere - Awesome!

A recent article from the good ol' folks at ArsTechnica talks about the recent trade agreements between the US and Russia, specifically indicating that Allofmp3 is an illegal site and that all sites considered illegal will be shut down. From the article:

"Legality is not decided by a legislative branch or an executive branch. It's decided by a court,"

I hope this site stays around personally. Don't get me wrong, itunes is great and all, but there is no way it should cost that much for each song.

Ars Technica Article